DWI Penalties in Denton
Choose a Skilled DWI Lawyer to Fight for You
The penalties for a DWI conviction in Texas vary widely depending on the number of prior offenses and other circumstances surrounding the case. In any situation, however, Texas issues some of the most severe penalties for DWI of any U.S. state. If you have been charged with DWI in Denton, you will need a legal professional with the skills and qualifications needed to minimize the penalties or even get your case dismissed altogether. Before becoming a criminal defense attorney, Derek A. Adame, Attorney at Law, was a prosecutor, so he has first-hand knowledge of the strategies that the prosecution will use against you.
Potential Consequences of a DWI Charge
If this is your first DWI offense, you will face fines of up to $2,000 and time in jail of up to 180 days. You may also have your driver's license suspended for up to 2 years and be required to enroll in a DWI prevention education program. Once you reach a third offense, though, the consequences get very drastic, including a state prison sentence of up to 10 years. You may also face a $10,000 fine or have to pay an annual fee of up to $2,000 for three years to keep your driver's license. Other factors, such drunk driving with a child in your vehicle, can mean jail time of up to 2 years, even for a first offense.
Don't Wait to Seek Professional Legal Counsel
If you are facing an intoxication assault charge – drunk driving that causes serious bodily injury to someone – a conviction means a third-degree felony. An intoxication manslaughter charge – driving under the influence that results in the death of another person – means a second-degree felony if convicted. These are certainly charges you do not want haunting you for the rest of your life. So if you are up against one of these extreme DWI charges or even simply a first offense, don't wait to talk to a criminal defense lawyer. Our DWI case results demonstrate how our experience and dedication pay off for our clients in the courtroom. Contact us today for more information about how Derek A. Adame, Attorney at Law, can help you.
Serving Denton County, Texas Since 1998
Our firm is dedicated to serving the community with effective legal representation.
Proven Track Record in Criminal Defense CasesWe have dedicated our practice to delivering the best possible results in every case.
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Our firm is committed to your case from the beginning to the end. We’re here to help you, one step at a time.