Denton County Juvenile Defense Lawyer
Even juvenile crimes will require aggressive legal action to be taken by an experienced defense lawyer. Although juvenile crimes are conducted within the Texas Family Code, you will still need to take strong defensive measures. When your child has been charged for any form of criminal conduct as a juvenile, he or she will still be facing a system of laws that can result in substantial penalties. You need a Denton criminal defense attorney on your child's side.
At Derek A. Adame, Attorney at Law, we handle various types of juvenile law matters, including charges of:
- Property crimes
- Drug possession
- Vandalism
- Computer crimes
- Sexting
- Drug charges
- Sex crimes
The attorney that you choose to represent you should have a solid grasp of the laws that your child is facing. Our Denton criminal defense lawyer has former experience as a prosecutor and can use this background to the advantage of your case.
Helping You Seek a Positive Case Result
Whether we fight in court or seek an alternative, we can use our experience and background to develop a strong case strategy. We have the proven background in criminal defense that your case will require. Consequences of a criminal charge in juvenile court can last a lifetime. Do not hesitate to contact our firm at your earliest convenience to begin pursuing a positive case outcome!
One of the critical issues of a juvenile charge that will be considered is how the charges will affect the child's criminal record. Verdicts against a minor can become part of the individual's permanent record. You must take your child's juvenile charges very seriously and realize the consequences that it will likely have on his or her future if not handled in a proper manner.
Many issues will need to be assessed when handling a juvenile criminal offense. During your free case evaluation with a Denton criminal defense lawyer, our team can develop a strategy to best protect your rights. Prompt action and aggressive legal representation are two factors that can make the most positive impact on your case.
Serving Denton County, Texas Since 1998
Our firm is dedicated to serving the community with effective legal representation.
Proven Track Record in Criminal Defense CasesWe have dedicated our practice to delivering the best possible results in every case.
We’ll Stand By You Every Step of the Way
Our firm is committed to your case from the beginning to the end. We’re here to help you, one step at a time.